Mafia culture in World Triathlon covered by the Olympic family through inaction
The fake elections have so far no consequences for those who organised the swindle and are its biggest beneficiaries. There are calls for new elections while the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), of which fake Triathlon boss Antonio Arimany is Vice President, endorses the scam by inaction. Q&A.

So, what do we know? Today, the cover picture shows us the Italian delegates' place at the World Triathlon Congress on Monday in Torremolinos. At the bottom left, you can see the illegal two-page list that I presented to you exclusively on Tuesday. This list of 71 names was distributed in advance to the majority of the delegates of the national federations. This list did not include all 160 candidates for the World Triathlon elections. This list was a guide, for many delegates even an instruction, on who to vote for.
- This list anticipated the results of the manipulated fake elections.
- This list is almost 100 per cent in line with the fake result of these fake elections.
- This list was distributed among the delegates in advance, by email, Whatsapp and other means, and also distributed as a printout.
- Besides photos like these, there are also photos and video footage showing delegates voting according to the instructions on this list. The Italians are just one example. There are witnesses.

Not all, but obviously a vast majority of all national federations and delegates at the World Triathlon Congress were involved in the vote-rigging.
- In the meantime, some of the individuals who distributed and sent these lists have been revealed.
- Several delegates took pictures of their fake votes (they photographed the screen of the voting machine), apparently to send proof of their fake votes to those who organised, ordered and monitored these manipulations. There is also evidence of this.
Three of the cheated Triathlon candidates – Michelle Cooper, Ian Howard and Tamás Toth – had already turned to the IOC leadership in a remarkable call for help on 10 October, basically anticipating that widespread manipulation was planned at the World Triathlon Congress.
"Collusion, pressure and coercion to manipulate the election outcome."
They wrote to IOC president Thomas Bach, IOC sports director Kit McConnell and the so-called IOC Ethics Secretary Pâquerette Girard Zappelli, stating, among other things:
No documented handover of responsibility by the Secretary General of functions that give him an advantage over other candidates, despite multiple requests;
- No published arrangements for the management of Congress, and in particular the voting processes, to be passed to an independent third party. This is of special interest to National Federations who are looking for confidentiality and security of their votes;
- A deliberate hijack of the recent Vichy European Congress by two Presidential candidates from Japan and Mexico respectively who used the platform afforded to Presidential candidates at the Congress to withdraw from the election and pledge their support for Antonio Arimany in a clearly orchestrated act; and
- A formal complaint to the World Triathlon Tribunal in regards to serious allegations by one of the undersigned in relation to collusion, pressure and coercion to manipulate the election outcome which has now been assigned a panel for review.
National Federations have raised a number of concerns themselves with the Credentials Committee, particularly relating to the events at Vichy, only to be told that they are not "interested parties"!
While we understand the nature of elections and politics, the extreme steps being taken to determine the election outcome, coordinated it would seem by the Secretary General himself, are deeply concerning to us as candidates who are seeking a fair and democratic election process.
We have written formally to the Credentials Committee and to the Tribunal of World Triathlon to complain, clearly setting out the breaches of the election rules and code of ethics, but have not yet had satisfaction. The election is just over a week away and this therefore is an urgent matter that requires resolution.
We would welcome the oversight of the IOC which we know sets high standards on integrity and ethics.
This is part 5 of a series of revelations about corruptive practices in one of three dozen Olympic IFs. Others will follow in due time, including other federations and sports. You are witnessing investigative journalism live, so to speak, thanks to a few upright officials, sources and witnesses who are standing up to it.
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What has the IOC done?
- Nothing.
What has IOC President Thomas Bach done?
- Nothing. He is currently touring Africa and being celebrated.
What has IOC Sports Director Kit McConnell done, who is paid at least $2.8 million for his services in the current Olympiad?
- Nothing.
What has IOC's Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer Pâquerette Girard Zappelli done, who is paid more than $2 million in the current Olympiad for her loyal services (which basically consist of protecting the Olympic system with brutality from any outside scrutiny)?
- Nothing.
Who was responsible for organising the World Triathlon Congress?