Announcing a new Olympic investigative media

Mit diesem Newsletter startet ein internationales Medienprojekt: THE INQUISITOR, eine Kooperation von Journalisten aus allen Kontinenten, will dauerhaft erstklassige Recherchen und Analysen zum globalen Olympia-Business produzieren. Abonnieren Sie!

Announcing a new Olympic investigative media
Mumbai: Opening of the IOC session. (Photo: IOC/Greg Martin)

Ladies and gentlemen, especially those who are in Mumbai on the last day of the IOC Session, nodding once again to everything that is being served to you. Greetings, of course, to Sebastian Coe and Juan Antonio Samaranch, who feel blindsided by the IOC boss and fear for their plans for 2025!

Allow us to announce a new media outlet that is exclusively dedicated to investigative research in the Olympic family and beyond in the global sports business. This unique collaboration of numerous award-winning journalists and whistleblowers from all continents goes online today with a pre-launch.

Take it sportingly and make sure that tomorrow we don't publish the documents you just had on your desk in THE INQUISITOR.

THE INQUISITOR aims to be the world’s leading independent, investigative media dealing with organised sports crime and governance that lacks transparency and integrity, focussing on the Olympic system but including non-olympic sports and organisations. Please have a look at our website and the FAQs. We've put together an initial offering with information on our core team and authors from all over the world, and with some of our recent (and past) articles. We hope that will give you a better idea of what to expect from THE INQUISITOR.

We are talking with many wonderful colleagues around the world – as well as with other research projects, NGOs, foundations, media and journalist organisations. As our project develops we expect to add more outstanding journalists to the team.

The bizarre events in Mumbai, which the whole world is laughing at, have once more proved how much the athletes and the public need THE INQUISITOR.

We work for you, the founders, readers and subscribers! And even for all upright and honest sports officials. Anyone who would like to provide us with confidential information und documents is as welcome as all readers and subscribers.

Stay curious!

Best wishes to Mumbai and everywhere else,



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